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We are a strategic cluster of the province of Quebec that fights swine and poultry infectious diseases.

Events and training activities

Throughout the year, the CRIPA organizes different events and training activities specifically designed for our members' needs. The CRIPA also collaborates with partners to organize a wide range of activities.


& prizes

Every year, scholarships and prizes allow students to apply knowledge and skills they've acquired by working on real mandates.


Are you interested in the world of swine and poultry infectiology research? See career opportunities now!

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Why choose the CRIPA?

Being part of the CRIPA means joining an academic-governmental-private scientific network that values animal, human and environmental well-being in all our actions. Even further, it is to shine in the media and to benefit from a lot of tools intended to help you achieve your objectives.






Research chairs


High-risk projects funded by the CRIPA

Join this group of researchers who share the same challenges as you.

Graduation rate


CRIPA exchange platform

Participating in the creation of leading expertise in swine and poultry infectiology in Quebec is vital. The CRIPA has developed a tool to support partners in the swine and poultry sectors to help them find their way around.

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Service and expertise platform

Driven by the desire to support the agri-food, veterinary, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries in the challenges they encounter daily, the CRIPA offers a wide range of services to optimize their operations.

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